1. Create Compassion-Driven Cultural Norms for ALL living beings on this planet
- acknowledge the systemic oppression caused by racial, class, gender, sex, speciesism & any other stigmatized group status
- enhance holistic well-being that evokes compassion for self & all others
- expand ideas of wellness that are inclusive, relationship-focused & strength based.
- expand cultural resiliency by identifying the strengths found within all living beings on the planet
- disrupt & defend those impacted by colonialization in all its forms, including but not limited to; enslavement systems upon life forms (animal, human & plant) , human trafficking, land & water access
- invoke sovereignty for the entire earth life population
2. Renew. Reuse. Respect Mother Earth
- reduce/eliminate use of plastics, foams & other non-bio-degradable materials/liquid solutions
- support renewable, sustainable energy sources
- practice conscious consumerism . Know who are you '"paying" & how they use your investments. Reduce overconsumption by choosing small businesses, globally & locally that value sustainable & eco-friendly practices.
- reuse, renew, repurpose!
3. Decolonize the BodyMind
- create opportunities to connect to the inner voice with Meditative Contemplation
- develop a critical consciousness by sharing knowledge & stories of systemic sociopoltical oppressors
- evoke storytelling & creative expression to engage dialogue with others
- Integrate indigenous wisdom & promote soul sovereignty
- DISRUPT MONEY & VOTE with YOUR dollar!
- de-investment of ALL imperialist corporation markets & RE-INVEST in fair-trade, eco-friendly, sustainable markets.
- Support Sacred Economy. Give/share resources that SUPPORT & Stand in Solidarity with you.
4. Sustainable Healthy Air, Land & Ocean Systems
- Equitable access to healthy living water
- Equitable access to clean natural air
- Equitable access to organic sustainable food
5. Sustainable Healthy Housing Systems
- de-commodify land.
- shift current norms regarding land ownership & the disproportionate access to safe, equitable housing .
6. Diverse Trans-national Collaborative Alliances
- honor cultural diversity among all members within the Movement, found in various disciplines, global regions & ancient knowledge systems that inform their perspectives.
- promote a multicultural citizenship that includes connection to one's local heritage community & larger global systems.
- remove borders which limit access to safe & healthy community networks
7. Unity
- create bridges that network alliances and promote a global multicultural community
- invoke unity consciousness that acknowledges the ways in which all life on the planet is interconnected.
- promote oneness through cross-cultural collaboration, cooperation, heart-centered action & network building